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Introduction to the WEkEO Light Viewer

The WEkEO Light Viewer has arrived! Let's explore its main functionalities allowing to visualize preselected key variables on the map.

David Bina avatar
Written by David Bina
Updated over 2 months ago


The WEkEO Light Viewer is a new tool of the WEkEO platform, designed with simplicity in mind, making it the perfect starting point for beginners. It comes with a predefined set of commonly used variables, allowing new users to explore and visualize Earth Observation data quickly and effortlessly.

The variables are presented across three dimensions: longitude, latitude, and time. Additionally, certain layers incorporate a fourth dimension, depth.

The Light Viewer has an intuitive, easy-to-use interface with multiple customization functionalities allowing to fine-tune the way data is displayed on the map.

Without any further ado, let's explore the different features of the Light Viewer! 💪

Set of variables

As explained in the context, variable have been preselected to be displayed on the map, in order to visualize key variable among Earth Observation data.

On the left side of the interface, users can find a list of layers grouped by four Copernicus Services (Marine, Land, Atmosphere, Climate Change), as well as Sentinel:




  • Temperature (ºC)

  • Velocity (m/s)

  • Ice

  • Biomass (mg/m3/day)


  • Urban Atlas

  • Wet/dry Snow (WDS)

  • Total productivity (PPI·day)


  • Ozone (kg/kg)

  • Dust Aerosol

  • Particulate matter (kg/m3)

  • Nitrogen dioxide (kg/m2)

Climate Change

  • Wind speed (m/2)

  • Temperature (K)

  • Total precipitation (m)

  • Surface pressure (Pa)


  • NDVI

  • OLCI


  • Chlorophyll a

The WEkEO Light Viewer allows to display easily key Earth Observation variables on the map to visualize data.

Clicking on a layer will display it on the map and clicking on the door icon will navigate to the full viewer catalogue with filters related to this layer.

Viewer customization

The Light Viewer allows modifying its appearance at different levels:

The WEkEO Light Viewer offers a lot of customizations.

Viewer settings

By clicking on the left side gear icon (1), a popup will appear allowing users to enable or disable the Basemap and Coastline & reference features:

Open the settings of the WEkEO Light Viewer to customize the map and see the credits.

Layer appearance

The appearance of the active layer can be changed by clicking on the gear icon (2) on the right side. A new window will appear, with options that may vary depending on the layer:

  • Sentinel and categorical layers: only the opacity can be modified

  • Other layers: the color map can be changed too

  • Marine layers: the appearance can be further configured by setting the

    minimum and maximum values for the color map

Sentinel data

Other layers

Marine layers

Customization of Sentinel data in the WEkEO Light Viewer.

Map projection

Some layers can be visualized in polar projections. The current projection can be changed by clicking on the projection switcher (3):

Projection can be changed in the WEkEO Light Viewer.

If a layer cannot be displayed in the selected projection, a button will appear below the layer name. By clicking on it, the projection will switch to the correct one:

Change easily the projection in one click to be able to visualize data on the WEkEO Light Viewer.

Time and Depth

Layers can be explored across their full temporal range (5) and, for Marine layers, examine variations based on ocean depth (4):

Users can change time and depth to visualize data on the WEkEO Light Viewer map.

What's next?

Feel free to check these articles that might be of interest for you:

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