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HDA API errors

Here we show a list of errors that can happen when trying to download WEkEO data via the HDA API, and how to avoid them.

David Bina avatar
Written by David Bina
Updated over 4 months ago

The Harmonized Data Access (HDA) API allows uniform access to the whole WEkEO catalogue, including subsetting and downloading functionalities.

However, some errors may occur during the download process.
In this article we list the main error messages and the steps to resolve them:

πŸ“ŒNote: this list may not be exhaustive.

List of errors

0 Items, 0 Volume

This message returned by the API requires a verification in the request itself to understand why there is no data (here is an example):

  • DateRange

    • Check if date_start is not greater than date_end

    • Check if the DateRange is included in the dataset with the following command:


  • BoundingBox

    • Check if the BoundingBox values are in the right order (e.g. from Show API request in the Data Viewer using the AOI tool)

    • Check if the BoundingBox values correspond to a place where there is data in the Data Viewer

πŸ“ŒNote: if it's the same behavior for all the datasets, contact the WEkEO User Support.

KeyError: 'access_token'

If you encounter the following problem: KeyError: 'access_token', you may be using the old broker URL in your HDA configuration. Therefore, you can remove the URL in the HDA configuration. This URL is no longer required and has been changed.

Failed: No entry founds

Failed: No entry founds means that the parameters of your HDA query do not match a data set in the database. This may be a problem with the DateRange, the BoundingBox or some parameters that are not covered/available for that specific query.

Therefore, it is advisable to recheck the query in the Data Viewer.

Error 403 sporadically

After using the HDA API during some time (~1h) in a notebook, if you get a 403 error Forbidden Access, it means that the token does not renew correctly.

In that case, please update the latest version of the HDA API by running in a terminal:

pip install hda -U

Error 403 on all requests

Verify if you have any special character in your password (characters other than: ! @ # $ % & * in the password will result in a 403 Error Forbidden Access due to the security check from the API). If so, here are the steps to reset your password.

If you are facing an error message not included in the list or if the suggested workarounds do not resolve the issue, please copy the original request and the error code, and contact the WEkEO User Support below.

Error 500 or infinite download time with HDA API

If you're working with WEkEO datasets, you might encounter the following error when attempting to download data:

{  "status_code": 500,
"title": "Download Product",
"detail": "{\"status_code\":500,\"title\":\"Download[.........]

Or you're using the HDA API Client and you're trying to download files using the download commands and you're encountering an infinite loading time.

Why This Error Occurs

This error is due to recent changes in the query format, which are part of a broader effort to standardize all datasets on WEkEO. These changes will affect most datasets, with ECMWF datasets already experiencing updates.

One of the key changes is in the way temporal ranges are defined. Previously, queries might have used parameters like dtstart and dtend, but these will soon be replaced by startdate and enddate, which will become mandatory for all datasets.

Specific ECMWF Changes

In addition to the temporal range parameters, ECMWF datasets are also transitioning to the new ADS and CDS platforms. This migration includes changes like replacing the format parameter with data_format. These updates apply to both internal and external MARS datasets. For more information, visit the following links:


We strongly recommend users who are reusing old queries to verify their syntax by creating a new query via the WEkEO Viewer (use the Show API request button). This will ensure that your requests remain valid with the latest changes.

What's next?

We are user-driven and we implement users' suggestions, so feel free to contact us:

  • through a chat session available in the bottom right corner of the page

  • via e-mail to our support team (

Regardless of how you choose to contact us, you will first be put in touch with our AI Agent Neo. At any time, you can reach a member of the WEkEO User Support team by clicking on "talk to a person" via chat, or by naturally requesting it in reply to Neo's email.

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