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How to create a custom environment on WEkEO JupyterHub?
How to create a custom environment on WEkEO JupyterHub?

WEkEO's Jupyter sessions are reset on restart: come and discover how to create your persistent custom conda environment!

David Bina avatar
Written by David Bina
Updated over a week ago


As introduced in this article, your WEkEO JupyterHub session is initialized with default conda environments that are reset after each session restart.

However, any custom environment you may create will be persisted! πŸ˜ƒ

Here are the few commands to execute to create your own environment.

Step by step Guide

Step 1. Create the environment

In the terminal, in the base environment, create your environment by setting its name:

conda create --name <env-name> ipykernel

Step 2. Activate the new environment

Activate your new env-name environment:

conda activate <env-name> 

You are now in your newly created environment, the line in the terminal begins with:

(<env-name>) jovyan@jupyter-<your-username>:~$

Step 3. Add the new kernel

Add the kernel and set the environment:

python -m ipykernel install --user --name <env-name>

Step 4. Refresh the page

Refresh the page for the changes to be takien into account.


You should now be able to pick your own environment in the JupyterHub launcher! πŸ™Œ

πŸ“ŒNote: opening a launcher tab, you will need to select between two kernels in order to create a new empty Jupyter Notebook.

Create a specific environment to use HDA version 1

After creating an environment from scratch, I invite you to install HDA version 1.19, which will be useful during the transition to HDA version 2.

To install the version 1, enter the command below in the terminal with your newly created environment:

pip install hda==1.19

Once installed, you can use the HDA as you like. Here's an article you may find useful, explaining What is the HDA API Python Client and how to use it?

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